Chopin - (1810-1849) - charcoal drawing c. 1846
First ever, serious feature drama about the life of Chopin and Liszt in The Romantic Age.
LISZT & CHOPIN IN PARIS is the title of a dramatic motion picture conceived, written and currently being developed by John Mark.
In the following pages we provide the background information about this historic film project, especially in the context of the Bicentennial 200th Anniversary of Chopin’s birth in 1810 this year and what this film is targeted to accomplish artistically, historically and commercially.
What Is This Film About - One Sentence Description:
Two young, amazing composers take over 19th Century Paris with their enormous talent and charisma. The story depicts in dramatic manner a true, actual account of the musical genius of Franz Liszt and Frederic Chopin who capture the imagination of 19th Century Paris in the midst of Romantic Age among wars and revolutions - Liszt & Chopin In Paris
One-Line Description:
"The story of two greatest superstars of pure pianism"
Extended One Sheet Summary -
Please click on link for One Sheet Summary about this film project above.
Click on the extended link for The Story here:
Please click on link for the FOREWORD the forthcoming book in hardcover, digital and audio edition to be released with the film here:

Frédéric François Chopin - (1810-1849)

Screenplays written by John Mark (c. 1983-2010)

Early, analog music recordings by John Mark in New York (c. 1976)

Digital music recordings produced today for LISZT & CHOPIN IN PARIS
The Worldwide Market
Who Is This Film Intended For
This film is intended for listeners of music of Chopin and Liszt and their contemporaries all over the world. In the following pages we provide information about this historic, dramatic film and what it is meant to accomplish on many levels.
The objective of this film project is to entertain, and not to pontificate about classical music. However, at the same time we want to present true, historically accurate picture of the Romantic Age portraying the events as they took place in this magnificent epoch with highest level of authenticity and historical integrity which more than often is not the case in films about this period.
Life experiences of an artist, and many artists from this period teach us a lot about life and about humanity, and especially about the creative process in general. Combined with factual events of the lives of those two icons of classical music the dramatic plot surrounding their lives is quite fascinating and entertaining.
The story of Liszt and Chopin can achieve the intense dramatic effect only when it is based on actual and accurate facts, not on gossip, over-dramatizing, over-romanticizing and over-sentimentalizing - an approach that has been tried many times before about the lives of great classical composers.
A thoroughly authentic and serious dramatic film can provide well-deserved enjoyment for many years to come and give us insight into the lives of those two great artists who are admired all over the world, while the authentic look and feel of the project can allow the audiences to better appreciate the timeless and magnificent works recorded in surround sound that will be presented in movie theaters worldwide and on DVD.
LISZT & CHOPIN IN PARIS is the story about the creative genius. It portrays the creative process of two artists in the context of great historical epoch.
The story portrays how both Liszt and Chopin not only made their careers in a city essentially alien to them, but how they created their masterpieces in face of adversity as we watch their creative genius at work with young Liszt and Chopin taking the center stage.
The action is set between two Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 in the heart of Romantic Age that has provided us with so much inspiration and enchantment over the years, at times of turbulent political change in Europe that lead humanity into the twentieth and twenty first centuries today.
True piano playing beings with Chopin. Mozart and Clementi put it on the map, but it is Chopin who raised it to the level that has never been equaled until today.
Chopin was the god of the piano. Franz Liszt was the other god of the piano, as well as the creative genius who defined the age and the epoch. Produced on the highest level, with the best piano playing in the world this film will allow audiences to experience these two greatest virtuosi as they truly were, along with the cast of the entire Romantic epoch along with their closest friends and rivals in the Romantic Age.
On every bookshelf, in every city in any language there are countless volumes of books written about Chopin’s and Liszt's life everywhere. There are even books describing books written about Chopin and their contemporaries, while the amount of Chopin’s and Liszt's societies, foundations, museums, cultural centers, festivals and exhibitions supporting their music for over hundred and fifty years worldwide would be difficult to estimate – Chopin’s and Liszt's popularity are continuously growing around the world.
This year we are celebrating the Bicentennial - the 200th Anniversary of Chopin’s birth all over the world recognizing Chopin's amazing genius, and fully realizing that until today Chopin has no successor. A serious piano recital without Chopin's compositions would be unthinkable today, and judging by the amount of Liszt societies, books written about him, and fan clubs dedicated to him all over the world Franz Liszt is not very far behind Chopin.
The action of this film takes place in the great era of Sturm und Drang, it’s the time of Napoleon’s triumps, the end of French monarchy, the birth of democracy in the glorious days of liberated Paris of Louis Philippe, the Citizen King.
Please see this link with short preview of a book of the same time title with full historical background about the Romantic Age and this magnificent epoch
Please click on link for historical background about this film project above.

Chopin improvises at a Ball in Hotel Lambert on Ile St. Louis in Paris

We could give this film a poetic title - magical or magnificent moments - as Liszt, Chopin, Schubert, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Berlioz, Verdi, Rossini, Paganini, Bellini, Wagner and other musical giants portrayed in this film re-creating amazing masterpieces and the legacy of Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, taking it to new heights of expression, transforming with music and the arts in general along with Goya, Ingress, Delacroix, Daumier, Constable, David, Turner and Courbert in painting, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Potoefi – (Liszt's compatriot) in literature, and of course Liszt & Chopin breaking new grounds in music conquering the artistic world in City of Lights between 1830 and 1849.
While Cooper, Poe and Melville were creating great classics in American literature, Dickens, Austen, Thackeray, Browning,Wordsworth, Coleridge and Scott in England - Hugo, Balzac, Goethe, Byron, Dumas, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Musset, Gautier, Vigny in continental Europe those are the forces driving the story as are the magnificent moments of the drama of the lives of Liszt and Chopin and their careers.

Chopin's home in Poland circa 1829 before he left Warsaw to Paris
The Romantic Age is the birth of democracy, the age of the gallantry where chivalrous attention and courtliness toward women with the air of faintly mocking behavior were encouraged, where true romance was defined by both the intensity of emotions and the volumes of beautiful women one was able to conquer. But it was also the world of social and political strife and injustice, and those two essentially conflicting, opposing forces were both the main expression and the great contribution to the Romantics – from Chopin to Byron, to Keats, to Rimbaud, from Hugo, to Berlioz, to Paganini away from the preordained, classical tradition of Bach and Mozart.


Special Anniversary Album recorded by John Mark with select works by Liszt & Chopin
Dramatic feature films such as these encompassing glorious and complex subject matters can work miracles and will rival Titanic, Amadeus, Casablanca, and Gone with the Wind – if done with the equal parts of creativity, passion, intelligence, knowledge and intensity.
Paris-London-Vienna-Berlin-Warsaw-Luzerne-Cologne-Dusseldorg-Leipzig-Nice-Majorca-Edinburgh and other European locations. Post-Production: London and Los Angeles.
John Mark will complete final draft of the screenplay, as well as the shooting script for this project, and upon completion he will also prepare detailed production budget for production with required production dates and locations both in US and Europe, along with complete schedule for pre-production, production and post-production stages of the film according the highest standards and objectives of this highly unique and historic project.
Motion picture industry today consists of two principal activities: production, which involves the development, financing, and production of feature-length motion pictures; and distribution, which involves the promotion and exploitation of feature-length motion pictures in a variety of media, including theatrical exhibition, home video, television, hotel chains, syndication of other ancillary markets, both domestic and international and merchandise.
The United States motion picture industry is dominated by the “major” studios, including The Walt Disney Company, Paramount Pictures, Warner Brothers, Universal Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Columbia/Tri-Star Pictures, and United Artists. The major studios are typically parts of large diversified corporations and/or conglomerates that have strong relationships with creative talent, exhibitors, and others involved in the entertainment industry and whose non-motion picture operations provide a stable source of earnings and cash flow which offset the variations in the financial performance of their new motion picture releases and other aspects of their motion picture operations. Often vertically and horizontally integrated with affiliated entities outside the motion picture industry, major studios often absorb losses that enhance profits of affiliates. The major studios have historically produced and distributed the vast majority of high-grossing theatrical motion pictures released annually in the United States.
Many highly successful films were launched at major film festivals. Film festivals are now the established platform for introducing independent films, and although this is a highly is a commercial, mainstream project, the film will be introduced at many major film festivals as it will quickly gain word-of-mouth acceptance and advertising before its global release by a major studio, or studios in collaboration with the production company.
LISZT & CHOPIN IN PARIS will be presented for Academy Awards Nomination as well as for competition at major film festivals such as Cannes, Sundance, Toronto, Berlin, Venice, Rotterdam, Telluride, Tribeca, Seattle and other major film festivals depending on its availability and its scheduled commercial release dates in US and worldwide.
Preview select recordings for the soundtrack to LISZT & CHOPIN IN PARIS with works by Chopin, Liszt and their contemporaries please visit the fan page on Facebook and click on MUSIC tab at this link:
Please click on link above for the reasons why an epic love story in the Romantic Age featuring the lives of Liszt and Chopin, their drama, ascent to fame and lives the City of Lights makes perfect sense for a major, dramatic feature-film blockbuster.
***NOTE: The description of this part of the document, as well as this entire document is not an offer, or solicitation to raise financing of any sort, and/or to sell membership interest in the project, and/or an offer to buy, and/or sell securities in any manner, and/or form. The budget, dates, locations, completion dates, as well as the entire projected venue are subject to change. The rights to this film project are property of John Mark and are protected by US Copyright Laws.***
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ReplyDeleteIt will be great to watch The Rivalry - Theatrical Production ,i have bought tickets from TicketFront.com looking forward to it.